Life Drawing for Beginners with Katie Snipes

Life Drawing for Beginners with Katie Snipes
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We will draw from a live model in various poses for the purpose of capturing gesture and movement in real time. We will use traditional drawing mediums like vine charcoal and soft charcoal pencils. I will offer critique on observational techniques like perspective and proportion. I will also offer critique on drawing utensil techniques such as blending shadow and capturing gesture.


Oct. 26, Nov. 2, and Nov. 9

from 8:30 - 11:00am


$175 includes all supplies and model fee


I am a painter and sculptor from Hartsville. Currently, I am the art teacher at Hartsville middle school. I graduated from Coker University with a BFA concentrating in 3-D design. I am passionate about building and maintaining foundational skills such as observational drawing, drawing figure drawing color theory and compositional design.